Storable Meta - The companion to Storables

StorableMeta is one of the most powerful constructs in Framelix. It combines a lot of features from the Framework and give you a nice all-in-one interface for the most common jobs for data managing applications. Things like tables, input forms, quick search are automatically generated by this technique.

StorableMeta, as the name may leak, is metadata to a Storable. With metadata we mean things like: How is it searchable, what human readable label does it have, which type of user input field have it when automatically generating edit forms, which Html representation does it have when you display it in automatically generated tables, and so on.

The more detailed data you give to our StorableMeta, the more Framelix can auto-gen for you.

Let's see a full blown example in code, including the results when generating tables, forms and searches out of this StorableMeta.
It will overhelm you at first, but we try to break it down step by step.

The complete meta code

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The form out of this meta

The form that will be generated here, is completely generated only by the StorableMeta information we have above.

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The table out of this meta

The table that will be generated here, is completely generated only by the StorableMeta information we have above.

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The quick search out of this meta

QuickSearch as some sort of 'lazy' search. Type in what you want, the system do a lazy search and display the results. This is convinient and just work most use-cases.

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